المعلومات الشخصية


قسم انتاج وتصميم النظم الميكانيكيه

كلية الهندسة

وسائل التواصل

هاتف: 6951634 تحويلة. 51634

بريد الكتروني: aljinaidi@kau.edu.sa

عبدالملك علي عبدالرحمن الجنيدى الغامدي


نبذة عامة


حائز على وسام الملك عبدالعزيز من الدرجة الأولى, شعبان 1425هـ , سبتمبر 2004م


معيد, كلية الهندسة, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة                                       1/1988إلى 10/1991
مبتعث, الملحقية السعودية بواشنطن, الولايات المتحدة                                 10/1991 إلى 10/1995
أستاذ مساعد, كلية الهندسة, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة                             10/1995 إلى 10/2001
أستاذ مشارك, كلية الهندسة, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة                            10/2001 إلى 12/2005
أستاذ, كلية الهندسة, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة                                      12/2005 إلى الآن

الخبرة الإدارية

وكيل كلية المجتمع بجدة، جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز، جدة                                   01/2003 إلى 3/2004
عميد كلية المجتمع بجدة، جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز، جدة                                   03/2004 إلى 08/2006
عميد معهد البحوث والاستشارات، جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز، جدة                        08/2006 إلى 08/2010
عميد كلية الهندسة، جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز، جدة                                           12/2010 إلى 12/2012     

مواد قمت بتدريسها بجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز

تصميم أجزاء المكائن, مهارات القيادة والإتصال, الرسم الهندسي, الاستاتيكا, الاهتزازات الميكانيكية, الديناميكا, الطاقة المتجددة, القياس وضبط الجودة, التصميم الميكانيكي, المواد المركبة والهياكل الذكية، اللدونة التطبيقية

واجبات أخرى

عضو مجلس مدينة جدة                              سبتمبر 2011 إلى أكتوبر 2013
رئيس مجلس مدينة جدة                              أكتوبر 2013 إلى يناير 2016

دورات قصيرة حضرتها

إدارة الوقت, العمل الجماعي والمربي, المقابلة والتوظيف, إدارة المشاريع, إعداد وتقييم المشاريع الصناعية, كيف تعقد اجتماعا فعالا, فن الإنصات, أساسيات الإلقاء, كتابة تقرير متميز, إستراتيجية التسويق والحملة التسويقية, الطريق من التشاؤم إلى التفاؤل, إدارة التغيير, إدارة الصراع, الابتكار والعصف الذهني, القوائم المالية, التخطيط الاستراتيجي, التفاوض والمفاوض المتمكن, اتخاذ القرار وإدارة المخاطر, اتخاذ القرار وحل المشاكل, القائد كنموذج, الذكاء العاطفي,  تحديات القادة في القرن الواحد والعشرين, مهارات التدريب, المدير كمدرب وميسر, وظيفة المنسق, تقويم الأداء الوظيفي, قياس أداء المنشأة, المعرفة كخيار استراتيجي, المنظمة المتعلمة والتعليم الذاتي, المنظمة المستجيبة للعملاء, استعادة الخدمة, العملاء الداخليون, المحافظة على خدمة متميزة للعملاء, ثقافة المنشأة
مركز تدريب القيادة, أرامكو السعودية, الظهران, ومراكز أخرى

دورات قصيرة ألقيتها

مهارات الاتصال, مهارات القيادة, الإبداع والاختراع

الشهادات العلمية

  • 1988

    درجة البكالوريوس من هندسة الانتاجكلية الهندسة, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, , المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 1991

    درجة الماجستير من قسم انتاج وتصميم النظم الميكانكلية الهندسة, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 1994

    درجة الماجستير من Mechanical Engineeringكلية الهندسة, جامعة ميريلاند, College Park, امــريــكـا

  • 1995

    درجة الدكتوراة من Mechanical Engineeringكلية الهندسة, جامعة ميريلاند, College Park, امــريــكـا

الخبرات السابقة

  • 1988-1991

    معيد, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 1991-1995

    مبتعث, الحكومة السعودية, كوليج بارك, امــريــكـا

  • 1995-2001

    أستاذ مساعد, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2001-2005

    أستاذ مشارك, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2002-2004

    وكيل كلية المجتمع بجدة, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2004-2006

    عميد كلية المجتمع بجدة, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2005-حاليا

    أستاذ, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2006-2010

    عميد معهد البحوث والاستشارات, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2010-2012

    عميد كلية الهندسة, جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2016-حاليا

    مستشار, وكالة الجامعة للمشاريع, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

الاهتمامات البحثية

 الأبحاث المنشورة (أوراق علمية) 

  1. A. A. Aljinaidi, "Using Salter’s Duck to Pump Saline Water to Desalination Plant," (in  Arabicباللغة العربية ) First Saudi Symposium on Energy, Utilization and Conservation, Vol. 1, pp. 165-167, 1990.
  2. A. A. A. Alghamdi, A. K. El-Kalay, T. M. Abu-Mansour and M. Akyurt, "Absorption of Energy by Frusta," Journal of Islamic Academy of Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 14-20, 1992.
  3. A. Dasgupta and A. A. A. Alghamdi, "Interaction Mechanics Between Embedded Micro-Actuators and the Surrounding Host in Smart Structures," 7th Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, pp. 919-928, 1992.
  4. A. A. A. Alghamdi and A. Dasgupta, "Frequency Prediction of a "Smart" Beam Using Eshelby Techniques with Linear Distributed Strains," 8th Technical Conference, American Society for Composites, pp. 174-183, 1993.
  5. A. A. A. Alghamdi and A. Dasgupta, "Interaction Mechanics Between Embedded Micro-Actuators and the Surrounding Host in Adaptive Structures," North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, pp. 317-328, 1993.
  6. A. Dasgupta and A. A. A. Alghamdi, "Micromechanical Dynamic Analysis of an Adaptive Beam with Embedded Distributions of Piezoelectric Actuator/Sensor Devices,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 35, pp. 121-128, 1993.
  7. A. Dasgupta and A. A. A. Alghamdi, "Eshelby's Technique for Modeling Interaction Mechanics in Adaptive Structures," Society of Engineering Science, pp. 293-302, 1993.
  8. A. A. A. Alghamdi and A. Dasgupta, "Experimental Investigation of Adaptive Beams with Embedded Devices," Society of Engineering Science, pp. 174-183, 1994.
  9. A. A. A. Alghamdi and A. Dasgupta, "Transient Response of an Adaptive Beam with Embedded Piezoelectric Microactuators, North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, pp. 153-164, 1994.
  10. A. K. Jain, A. A. A. Alghamdi, A. Dasgupta, and J. S. Sirkis, "Effective Properties of 1-3 Piezocomposites Using Eigenstrain Method and Mori-Tanaka Scheme", American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 45, pp. 67-73, 1994.
  11. A. A. A. Alghamdi and A. Dasgupta, "Experimental and Analytical Study of Adaptive Structures using Eigenstrain Techniques," North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, pp. 122-132, 1995.
  12. A. A. Aljinaidi and M Al-Beiruttiy, "On the Qualification of Staff Members at the Technical Colleges," (in Arabic باللغة العربية), Symposium on Role of Technical Colleges in Development, 1996.
  13. A. A. N. Aljawi and A. A. A. Alghamdi, "Investigation of Axially Compressed Frusta as Impact Energy Absorbers,” Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics IV, WIT Press, pp. 431-443, 1999.
  14. A. A. A. Alghamdi, A. A. N. Aljawi and M. S. Alharthi, “Double Acting Reusable Energy Absorber,” Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics IV, WIT Press, pp. 431-443, 1999.
  15. S. M. R. Aldossari, A. A. A. Alghamdi and M. Akyurt, “A Rule-Based Approach for the Formation of Manufacturing Cells,” Technical Journal of the University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, pp. 1-13, 1999.
  16. A. A. A. Alghamdi, “Smart Frictional Impact Energy Absorber,” International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 169-178, 2000.
  17. A. A. A. Alghamdi, G. Kamath and G. Marks, "Vibration Analysis of a Bearingless Rotor using Component Mode Synthesis Method", European Journal of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp.79-85, 2000.
  18. A. A. A. Alghamdi and A. Dasgupta, "Eigenstrain Techniques for Modeling Adaptive Structures: I) Active Damping," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 631-641, 2000.
  19. A. A. N. Aljawi and A. A. A. Alghamdi, “Inversion of Frusta as Impact Energy Absorber,” Current Advances in Mechanical Design and Production VII, Pergamon, pp. 511-519, 2000.
  20. A. A. A. Alghamdi, A. A. N. Aljawi T. M. N. Aabu-Mansour, and R. A. A. Mazi, “Axial Crushing of Frusta Between Two Parallel Plates, Structural Failure and Plasticity, Pergamoon, pp. 545-550, 2000.
  21. A. A. Aljinaidi and A. Alzahrani, “Emergency Escape Ramps for Country Roads,” (in Arabic باللغة العربية) Transportation Symposium, pp. 395-410, 2000.
  22. S. R. M. Aldousari and A. A. A. Alghamdi, “Four-Bar Linkage Washing Machine Powered by Wind Energy,” Proceedings of the 1st Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition, Vol. 3, pp. 138-145, 2000.
  23. A. Tallab, M. Akyurt, A. Abou Ezz, H. A. Bogis and A. A. A. Alghamdi, “A Window-Based Software for Analysis of Mechanisms and Machinery,” Proceedings of the 1st Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition, Vol. 3, pp. 169-179, 2000.
  24. A. Abou Ezz, H. A. Bogis, M. Akyurt and A. A. A. Alghamdi, “TSS – An Engineering Software for Analysis of Thin Sections under Stress,” Proceedings of the 1st Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition, Vol. 3, pp. 198-209, 2000.
  25. A. A. Aljinaidi and A. O. Bafail, “Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Proposed by Industry,” (in Arabic باللغة العربية), Symposium on Development of Engineering and Environmental Design Education, pp. 165-173, 2001.
  26. A. A. A. Alghamdi and M. Akyurt, “On Sandstorms and Energy Recovery from Sandstrom,” Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 1143-1156, 2001.
  27. A. A. A. Alghamdi, “Collapsible Energy Absorbers: An Overview”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 39, pp. 189-213, 2001.
  28. A. A. A. Alghamdi, “Adaptive Imperfect Column with Piezoelectric Actuators, “Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 183-189, 2001.
  29. A. A. A. Alghamdi and A. Dasgupta, “Eigenstrain Techniques for Modeling Adaptive Structures: II) Active Stiffness Tailoring," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 31-40, 2001.
  30. A. A. A. Alghamdi, “Folding-Crumpling of thin-Walled Aluminum Frusta,” International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 67-78, 2002.
  31. M. Akyurt, H. A. Bogis, A. A. N. Aljawi, A. A. A. Alghamdi and F. A. Dehlawi, “A Force-Intensifying Gripper for Concentric Gripping,” European Journal of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 23-29, 2002.
  32. A. A. A. Alghamdi, A. A. N. Aljawi and T. M.-N. Abu-Mansour, "Modes of Axial Collapse of Unconstrained Capped Frusta," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 44, pp. 1145-1161, 2002.
  33. A. A. A. Alghamdi, "Three Dimensional Tubular Impact Energy Absorber", European Journal of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 159-166, 2002.
  34. A. A. A. Alghamdi, “Reinversion of Aluminum Frusta,” Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 40, pp. 1037-1049, 2002.
  35. M. Akyurt, A. A. Aljawi, H. A. Bogis, A. A. Aljinaidi and F. M. Dehlawi, "A Six-Link Gripper for An Industrial Robot," Abhath Al-Yarmouk, Basic Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 503-515, 2002.
  36. H. A. Bogis, A. Abou Ezz, M. Akyurt and A. A. A. Alghamdi, “An Interactive Software for the Design of Power Screws,” 2ed Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition, pp. 197-202, 2002.
  37. H. A. Bogis, A. Abou Ezz, M. Akyurt and A. A. A. Alghamdi, “An Interactive Software for Curve Fitting,” 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, Vol. 4, pp. 27-40, 2002.
  38. A. A. A. Alghamdi, “Space Trusses as Impact Energy Absorbers: An Experimental Study,” 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, Vol. 3, pp. 63-77, 2002.
  39. A. A. A. Alghamdi and A. Baz, “Power Flow in Beams Treated with Active Constrained Layer Damping,” 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, Vol. 5, pp. 445-460, 2002.
  40. M. Akyurt, E. Rehbini, H Bogis and A. A. A. Alghamdi, “A survey of Mechanization Efforts on Date Palm Crown Operations,” 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, Vol. 5, pp. 475-489, 2002.
  41. M. Zaki, A. Aljinaidi and M. Hamed, "Tribological Behavior of Artificial Hip Joint Under the Effect of Magnetic Field in Dry and Lubricated Sliding," Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, Vol. 13, pp. 205-221, 2003.
  42. H. Diken and A. A. A. Alghamdi, “Residual Vibration Response Spectra for a Servomotor-Driven Flexible Beam,” Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 217, pp. 577-583, 2003.
  43. B. A. Alzahrani and A. A. A. Alghamdi, “Review of Mechanics of Materials Models for One-Dimensional Surface-Bonded Piezoelectric Actuators," Journal of Smart Structures and Materials, Vol. 12, pp. N1-N4, 2003.
  44. M. Zaki, A. A. Aljinaidi and M. Hamed, "Total Hip Performance Under Magnetic Field," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 153, pp. 508-513, 2004.
  45. A. A. A. Alghamdi and M. S. Al-Sanaa, “Two Dimensional Finite Element Analysis for Large Diameter Steel Flanges,” Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 126, pp. 399-403, 2004.
  46. H. A. Bogis, A. Abou Ezz, A. A. Aljinaidi and M. Akyurt, “Bolted Joints, An Interactive Software,” 17th National Computer Conference, pp. 125-139, 2004.
  47. H. A. Bogis, A. Abou Ezz, A. A. Aljinaidi and M. Akyurt, “An Interactive Software for the Design of Riveted Joints,” 17th National Computer Conference, pp. 155-173, 2004.
  48. H. A. Bogis, A. Abou Ezz, A. A. Aljinaidi and M. Akyurt, “An Interactive Software for the Design of Welded Joints,” 17th National Computer Conference, pp. 175-189, 2004.
  49. H. A. Bogis, A. Abou Ezz, A. A. Aljinaidi and M. Akyurt, “Computer-Aided Design of Riveted and Bolted Joints Under Compound Loading,” 17th National Computer Conference, pp. 309-321, 2004.
  50. H. A. Bogis, A. Abou Ezz, A. A. Aljinaidi and M. Akyurt, “Computer-Aided Design of Riveted Bonded Joints,” 17th National Computer Conference, pp. 533-546, 2004.
  51. A. A. N. Aljawi, A. A. A. Alghamdi T. M.-N. Abu-Mansour, and M. Akyurt, "Inward Inversion of Capped End Frusta as Impact Energy Absorbers," Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 647-664, 2005.
  52. A. A. A. Alghamdi and N. S. Kahtani, “Sand Control Measures and General Guidelines for Design of Sand Drift Fences,” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Transaction of ASCE, pp. 295-299, 2005.
  53. A. A. Aljinaidi and A. M. Radwan, “Decommissioning of Offshore Structures: Challenges and Solutions,” Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, pp. 375-384, 2005.
  54. A. S. A. Salim, M. Talha, A.  A. Aljinaidi, and K. Ulzaman, "Online Annual Performance Report: A Study of Public Sectors in the State of Melka," International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Management, pp. 18-25, 2005.
  55. A.  A. Aljinaidi, A. Y. Noaman and A. A. Alghamdi, “Experience of King Abdulaziz University in Developing New Academic Programs: Jeddah Community College," (in Arabic باللغة العربية, Higher Education: Future Prospective, Arab Thought Foundation, pp. 566-574, 2005.
  56. A.  A. Aljinaidi, A. Y. Noaman and A. A. Alghamdi, “Developing Transfer Engineering Diploma Programs for Community College Students: KAAU Experience," 4th International Forum on Engineering Education, Integrating Teaching and Research with Community Service, pp. 1-8,  25-27, 2006.
  57. T. H. Alghamdi, A.  A. Aljinaidi, A. A. N. Aljawi and M. Akyurt, “Cubical Space Truss as Absorber of Impact Energy,” 4th Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition, pp. 176-184, 2006.
  58. T. H. Alghamdi , A. A. N. Aljawi, A. A. A. Alghamdi, and M. Akyurt, “Investigation of Simple Cubical Space Trusses as Impact Energy Absorbers,” Journal  of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, Vol. 68. No. 2, pp. 15-20, 2007.
  59. K. Alnefaie, H. Diken and A. Alghamdi, "Residual Vibration of a Servomotor Driven Flexible Beams," 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, pp. 1-8, 2009.
  60. K. Alnefaie, H. Diken and A. Alghamdi, "Residual Vibration of a Rotating Beam Subject to Prescribed Motion," Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Engineering and Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 97-107, 2009.
  61. M. A. Aleitani, M. A. Alzahrani, and A. A. Aljinaidi, "Blast Loading of Triangular Conical Truncated Energy Absorber," Society for Experimental Mechanics IMPLAST 2010, pp. 59-68, 2010.
  62. A. Azrar,  L. Azrar  and  A. A. Aljinaidi, "Modeling of Higher Order Vibrations of Carbon Nano tubes," Proceedings The 1Oth Conference on Mechanics, Oujda, Morocco, Vol. 1, pp. 44-46, 2011.
  63. A. Bakkali, L. Azrar, A. A. Aljinaidi, N. Fakri, "Modélisation Micromécanique des Matériaux Composites Magnétoéléctroélastiques avec des Renforcements Enrobés 11éme Congrés de Mécanique," Proceedings The 1Oth Conference on Mechanics, Oujda, Morocco, pp. 233-235, 2011.
  64. A. Azrar, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, “Length Scale Effect Analysis on Vibration Behavior of Single Walled Carbon NanoTubes with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions,” Revue de Mécanique Appliquée et Théorique, Vol. 2,  pp. 475- 484,  2011.
  65. A. Bakkali, L. Azrar  and A. A. Aljinaidi, “Multi-Coated Magnetoelectroelastic Composites with Functionally Graded Interphases,” International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis, Marrakech, Morocco, MATEC Web of Conferences 1, 09001, pp. 1-4, 2012.
  66. A. Azrar, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, “Dynamic Instability Analysis of Single Walled Carbone Nano Tubes Conveying Fluid under Generalized Boundary Conditions,” International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis, Marrakech, Morocco, MATEC Web of Conferences 1, 09002, pp. 1-4, 2012.
  67. A. Bakkali, L. Azrar  and A. A. Aljinaidi, “Micromechanical Modeling of Magneto-Electro-Elastic Composites Materials with Multi-Coated Reinforcements," International Symposium on Aircraft Materials, Fès, Morocco,  2012.
  68. A. Azrar, L. Azrar, A. A. Aljinaidi and M. Hamadiche, "Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Fluid Based on Thermoelastic Shell Model," 11th Conference of Mechanics, Agadir, Morocco, pp. 35-37, 2013.
  69. J. Elouafi, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, " Modélisation Semi-Analytique des Coefficients Effectifs des Composites Piézoélectriques," 11th Conference of Mechanics, Agadir, Morocco, pp. 137-139, 2013.
  70. A. Bakkali, L. Azrar, N. Fakri  and A. A. Aljinaidi, "Electroviscoelastic Effective Properties of Heterogeneous Piezoelectric Materials," 11th Conference of Mechanics, Agadir, Morocco, pp. 300-302, 2013.
  71. A. Azrar, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, "Nonlinear Free Vibration of Single Walled Carbone NanoTubes Conveying Fluid,"  International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability, Rabat, Morocco,  2013.
  72. A. Azrar, L. Azrar, A. A. Aljinaidi and M. Hamadiche, "Dynamics Instability Analysis of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Fluid," Journal Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 682, pp. 153-160, 2013.
  73. U. A. Khashaba, A. A. Aljinaidi and M. Hamed, "Developing Nanophase Epocast 50-A1/946 Epoxy fir Bonded Joints," 5th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials, Kipriotis Village Resort, Island of Kos, Greece, pp. 1-23, 2013.
  74. A. Bakkali, L. Azrar and A. Aljinaidi, "Effective Properties of Heterogeneous Magnetoelectroelastic Materials with Multi-Coated Inclusions," Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 550, pp. 25-32, 2013.
  75. A. Bakkali, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, "Micromechanical Modeling of Magnetoelectroelastic Composite Materials with Multicoated Inclusions and Functionally Graded Interphases ," Journal of Intelligent Material systems and Structures, Vol. 24, No. 14, pp. 1754-1769, 2013.
  76. A. Azrar, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, "Dynamic Stability Analysis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Pulsating and Viscous Fluid with Nonlocal Effect," 5th International Symposium on Aircraft Materials, Marrakech, Morocco,  2014.
  77. J. Eloufi, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, ‘Semi-Analytical Modeling of Effective Properties of Viscoelastic and Viscoelectroelastic Heterogeneous Materials," 5th International Symposium on Aircraft Materials, Marrakech, 2014.
  78. L. Azrar,  A. Bakkali and A. A. Aljinaidi, "Frequency and Time Viscoelectric Effective  Properties Modeling of Heterogeneous and Multi-Coated Piezoelectric Composite Materials," Composite Structures, Vol. 113, pp. 281-297, 2014.
  79. U.A. Khashaba, A. A. Aljinaidi, M.A. Hamed, "Nanofillers Modification of Epocast 50-A1/946 Epoxy for Bonded Joints," Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Vol. 27, pp. 1288-1300, 2014.
  80. A. Azrar, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, “Complex Modes Based Numerical Analysis of Single-Walled Carbón Nanotubes Conveying Pulsating and Viscous Fluid Embedded in Anelastic Medium” Journées sur la Modélisation et Analyse en Mécanique et Energétique, Tanger, Morocco, pp. 1-4, 2014.
  81. U.A. Khashaba, A. A. Aljinaidi, M.A. Hamed, "Development of CFRE Composite Joints using NWCNT/E adhesives," Proceedings of the 16th International AMME Conference, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 80-101, 2014.
  82. A. Azrar, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, ‘Nonlinear Free Vibration of Single Walled Carbone NanoTubes Conveying Fluid," MATEC Web of Conferences,  pp. 1-3, 2014
  83. U. A. Khashaba, A. A. Aljinaidi, M.A. Hamed, "Analysis of Adhesively Bonded CFRE Composite Scarf Joints Modified with MWCNTs," Composites, Vol. 71, pp. 59-71, 2015.
  84. J. Elouafi, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, "Closed-Form Expressions for the Effective Moduli of Heterogeneous Piezoelectric Materials," International Journal of Solids and Structures ,Vol. 52, pp. 19-32, 2015.
  85. A. Azrar, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, "Numerical Modeling of Dynamic and Parametric Instabilities of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Pulsating and Viscous Fluid," Composite Structures, Vol. 125, pp. 127-143, 2015.
  86. U. A. Khashaba, A. A. Aljinaidi, and M.A. Hamed, "Development of CFRE Composite Scarf Adhesive Joints with SiC and Al2O3 Nanoparticle," Composite Structures, Vol.128, pp. 415-427, 2015.
  87. A. M. Zenkour, A. E. Abouelrega, K. A. Alnefaie, N. H. Abu-Hamdeh, A. A. Aljinaidi and E. C. Aifantis, "State Space Approach for the Vibration of Nanobeams Based on the Nonlocal Thermoelasticity Theory without Energy Dissipation," Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 2921-2931, 2015.
  88. A. Azrar, M. Bensaid, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, "Parameters Uncertainty Effect on the Dynamic Instability Behaviors of Carbon Nanotubes," Proceedings of 12th Mechanical Congress, Casablanca, Morocco, pp. 45-47, 2015.
  89. A. Bakkali, L. Azrar,  and A. A. Aljinaidi, "Active-Passive Effective Properties Modeling of Heterogeneous Viscomagnetoelectroelastic Materials," Proceedings of 12th Mechanical Congress, Casablanca, Morocco, pp. 222- 224. 2015.
  90. J. Elouafi, L. Azarar, A. A. Aljinaidi, "Semi-Analytical Effective Bounds of Reinforced Materials Piezoelectric Composite,"       Proceedings of 12th Mechanical Congress, Casablanca, Morocco, pp. 240-242, 2015.
  91. A. Azrar, M. Ben Said, L. Azrar & A. Aljinaidi, "Parameters Uncertainty Effect on Forced Vibration of Cantilever Carbon Nanotube," 7eme colloque sur les Tendances des Applications en Mathématiques, Tanger, Morocco,  pp. 1-5, 2015.
  92. J. Elouafi, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi, "Analytical and Semi-Analytical Modeling of Effective Moduli Bounds: Application to Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Materials," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, pp. 1-24, 2015.
  93. A. Azrar, L. Azrar, and A. A. Aljinaidi, “Analytical and Numerical Modeling of Higher Order Free Vibration Characteristics of Single Walled Carbon NanoTubes,” Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 23, No. 11, pp. 1245-1262, 2016.
  94. A. Bakkali, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi,   "Viscomagnetoelectroelastic Effective Properties' Modeling for Multi-Phase and Multi-Coated Magnetoelectroelastic Composites" Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 27, pp. 2261-2286, 2016.
  95. A. M. Zenkour, A. E. Abouelrega, K. A. Alnefaie, N. H. Abu-Hamdeh, A. A. Aljinaidi and E. C. Aifantis, "Tw0-Temperature Dual-Phase-Legs Theory in a Thermoelastic Solid Half-Space Due to an Inclined Load," Journal of Mechanical Science, Vol. 7, pp. 179-187, 2016.
  96. A. Bakkali, L. Azrar and A. A. Aljinaidi,   "Multiphase Differential Scheme for Effective Properties of Magnetoelectroelastic Composite Materials" Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 139, pp. 1-9, 2017.

 براءات إختراع Patents

  1. Abdulmalik A. Alghamdi, Dynamic Sand Drift Barrier, US Patent and Trademark Office, USP# 6,890,367
  2. Abdulmalik A. Alghamdi and Buck Redwan, Marine Impact Absorbing Structure, US Patent and Trademark Office, USP# 6,851,892
  3. Salamh Al-Anizi and Abdulmalik A. Alghamdi, Anti-Corrosion Protection for Heat Exchanger Tube Sheet and method of manufacturing, US Patent and Trademark Office, USP# 7,377,039
  4. Abdulmalik A. Alghamdi and Buck Redwan, Cubic Marine Impact Absorbing Structure, US Patent and Trademark Office, USP# 7,396,189

       كتب مؤلفةBooks

    1. Vectorial Engineering Dynamics, Co-Author, Alhumadhi Press, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February
    2. أهم عشرة أسباب لتأخر المسلمين، مطابع المدينة، جدة، المملكة العربية السعودية، فبراير 2004
    3. أجمل ما قاله الشعراء في نجد، مطبعة الحميضي، الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية، سبتمبر 2006
    4. عشر قصائد خالدة من أفضل ما قالته العرب، مطبعة الحميضي، الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية، يناير 2008
    5. مائة قصيدة و مائة شاعر، مطبعة الحميضي، الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية، يناير 2010
    6. ألف نصيحة إدارية للمدير المبتدئ، https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/almdyr-almbtdy/id588133014?ls=1&mt=8 ، فبراير 2013.


    مستشار للعديد من الشركات المحلية مثل أرامكو السعودية

     محكم علمي لـ

    1. International Journal of Solids and Structures (IJSS), Stanford University, California, USA
    2. Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, Institute of Physics, UK
    3. Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, China
    4. Journal of Land Degradation and Development, UK.
    5. King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology  (KACST), Riyadh
    6. Research Institute and The Arabian Journal for Sciences and Engineering, KFUPM, Dhahran
    7. Symposium on Energy Conservation and Management in Buildings, KFUPM, Dhahran, 2002
    8. Saudi Technical Conferences, STCEX2002, STCEX2004, STCEX2006, Riyadh
    9. Journal of King Abdulaziz University - Engineering Sciences at KAU, Jeddah
    10. Symposium on Development of Engineering Education, KAU, Jeddah, 2000.

    اتصال علمي

    1. Visiting Researcher, Catholic University of America, Washington DC, USA, summer 1997
    2. Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, College Park, USA, summer 2000
    3. Full Time Consultant, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, KSA, February 2002- September 2002

    مشرف رئيس لرسائل ماجستير

    طه حسين الغامدي

    عادل الخفاجي

    محمد عيتاني

    مشرف مساعد لرسائل دكتوراة

    Soufiane Rechdaoui, "Stability and active control of nonlinear vibration of piezoelectric beams,” Faculty of Sciences and techniques of Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco, 30 December 2010.

    Abderrahmane Bakkali, " Micromechanical modeling of multifunctional materials,Faculty of Sciences and techniques of Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco, 14 September 2013.

    Abdellhadi Azrar, " Modeling and numerical simulation of the dynamic instabilities of single and multi walled Carbon NanoTubes,Faculty of Sciences and techniques of Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco, 27 December 2014.

    Jamal Elouafi, "Micromechanics and analytical models for piezoelectric and viscoelastic transverse isotropic composite materials,Faculty of Sciences and techniques of Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier, Morocco, November 2016.

    1. Abdulmalik A. Alghamdi, Dynamic Sand rift Barrier, US Patent and Trademark Office, USP# 6,890,367
    2. Abdulmalik A. Alghamdi and Buck Redwan, Marine Impact Absorbing Structure, US Patent and Trademark Office, USP# 6,851,892
    3. Salamh Al-Anizi and Abdulmalik A. Alghamdi, Anti-Corrosion Protection for Heat Exchanger Tube Sheet and method of manufacturing, US Patent and Trademark Office, USP# 7,377,039
    4. Abdulmalik A. Alghamdi and Buck Redwan, Cubic Marine Impact Absorbing Structure, US Patent and Trademark Office, USP# 7,396,189


    الاهتمامات العلمية

    الهندسة الصدمية

    التصميم الميكانيكي

    الميكانيكا التطبيقية


    المواد والمحاضرات

    القيادة للمهندسين 490 MENG
    مشروع التخرج 499 MENG

    مجالات الخبرة

    مستشار مستشار شركة أرامكو